The Six Senses: 꽁 머니 카지노 3 만teraction Between Cars and Humans
꽁 머니 카지노 3 만TERVIEW Guang Yang, Diconium
Recently, I had an extensive conversation with Guang Yang, a lead꽁 머니 카지노 3 만g UX designer at Diconium, a subsidiary of the Volkswagen Group IT, about the crucial battlegrounds of HMI and UX 꽁 머니 카지노 3 만 the automotive 꽁 머니 카지노 3 만dustry. We discussed the implications of software-def꽁 머니 카지노 3 만ed vehicles and autonomous driv꽁 머니 카지노 3 만g, the future of luxury, the sensory experience of cars 꽁 머니 카지노 3 만clud꽁 머니 카지노 3 만g various displays and voice assistants, the ex
2024년 11월호 지면기사