interview withDr. Peter Rössger,beyond HMI/////
HMI is a major compe슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저on part of car makers and is becoming more important with the CASE trend. Our lifestyle is changing significantly with cut슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저ng-edge home appliances and technologies, and cars are always connected to the outside and moving toward Level 4 autonomous driving. These require new communica슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저on methods between drivers, passengers and cars. AEM talked with Dr. Peter Rössger of beyond HMI//// about automo슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저ve HMI and UX.
written by Sang Min
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Q. In a way, HMI and UX have been very emphasized in recent car cockpit, but I think the aspects of "force on high-tech" "marke슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저ng" and "visible design" are more emphasized than the true user experience. Do you think current automo슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저ve technology is communica슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저ng well with people?
A. Technology needs to have a value, it needs to make the lives of humans better. "Better" may mean safer, faster, easier, or even just funnier. In many aspects of technology, in many areas, and applica슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저ons we have reached the "edge of value". Does it really make your life better, when your car has 210 HP instead of 180 HP? What is the value of a display with an even higher resolu슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저on? Will you be a better driver, parent, human just because your in-vehicle infotainment has 3 more never-used features? I just don't believe all of this. True user experience is created by well defined solu슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저ons mee슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저ng the needs, the abili슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저es, and the wishes of users. It feels like technology is communica슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저ng well when everything is working fine. For automo슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저ve technologies this is true in most cases. If we merge consumer technologies into cars we face issues on all levels: technological, in user experience, and in value.
Q. It's your job to find the balance of all this and develop the most successful HMI, right? Introduce yourself briefly to Automo슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저ve Electronic Magazine readers.
A. My name is Dr. Peter Rössger. I'm runnig a business calledbeyond HMI/////. I bring my clients to new levels of awareness, thinking, decision making and execu슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저on by put슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저ng the human into the focus of technology development. Besides my consul슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저ng ac슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저vi슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저es I am akeynote speakerand author in the area of human technology rela슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저onship. Before star슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저ng my own business I was 4 years with an electronic service company, 12 years with Harman Automo슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저ve (now part of Samsung), and 4 years with Daimler. I have a Dr.-Ing. degree in Human Factors Engineering from the Technical University of Berlin (Germany).
Q. If you have any projects(which can be disclosed) you have done, please introduce it.
A. I have NDAs with most of my clients, so I'm not allowed to talk about them. One I can men슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저on is the Swiss car makerRinspeed. I was involved in all the show cars they presented in the last 6 or 7 years. Other clients are automakers, automo슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저ve suppliers, and service companies. Focus of most of my projects is to make my clients future save. One example: a Chinese OEM asked me: "what will be the future user experiences in cars and which technologies do we need to put onto our roadmap?" Based on my analyses I suggest concrete steps, products, and processes to create the right solu슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저ons using a strong user focus.
Dr. Rössger has par슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저cipated in all the showcases presented by Rinspeed over the past six to seven years. His project focus is on allowing customers to prepare for future HMI. The photo is Rinspeed's Oasis (2017)
Q. The theme of the January issue of Automo슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저ve Electronic Magazine is minimalism. Interior design, HMI and UX, is this a definite trend with C.A.S.E.?Tell me your opinion on "minimalism" including exterior and even ownership.
A. Minimalism is an excellent way to focus on what is really important. If you leave all the clutter away you get to the best solu슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저on from a usability and user experience standpoint. I see the C.A.S.E. mantra independent from minimalism, although both are connected. For data connec슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저ons and data driven services a focus on the essen슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저al shall be set. The usefulness of connec슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저vity needs to be communicated to the user. The same accounts for shared mobility: if you drill the service and its representa슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저on down to the core, moving people from A to B, usability and user experience will raise. Minimalis슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저c design in any aspect helps to focus users and experiences.
Q.Acceptance of cars for external technologies such as Google, Apple, Amazon and Samsung is also an important part in terms of minimalism, UX, and industry hegemony. How do you think this issue with UX?
A. I used a car with Android Auto for two weeks this summer. The experience was awful. Basically it's a great idea to re-use experiences known from the smartphone world in a car. Interac슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저on patterns well known are replicated in the vehicle. The technological realiza슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저on was poor, though. The most annoying thing is that the in-vehicle head unit takes over most parts of the smartphone. Even if I disconnected the WiFi connec슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저on between phone and car, the technology re-started itself within a second. Plus that the voice recogni슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저on had a recogni슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저on rate of under 50%. I made an extra episode of my podcast (The Human-Techology Podcast) on my experiences. These technologies have a serious poten슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저al, but they need to mature to provide real posi슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저ve user experiences.
Q.Tell us your "imagina슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저on" of 2030 cars and HMI. Tell me the technical HMI roadmap you are predic슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저ng.
A. I see three trends in automo슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저ve HMIs
1.Humane HMIs: human to human communica슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저on is s슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저ll the benchmark for human to technology communica슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저on. This means we shall target for complete HMIs using all senses. This includes voice, gesture, facial expression, posture, and tone of voice in addi슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저on to the exisi슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저ng visual-hap슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저c interac슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저on. A certain amount of (ar슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저ficial) intelligence needs to be added to allow flexibility and personaliza슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저on.
2.Liquid HMIs: un슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저l today an HMI, an interac슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저on opportunity, is always connected to a loca슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저on. I steer my in-vehicle infotainment from the touch screen mounted on the center stack. I open the car with the door lock or the remote key. We see a trend, that HMI will leak into other loca슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저ons. I can steer certain func슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저ons of my car from the smartphone or the PC, I will be able to control my smart home from the vehicle screen, etc. With loosing the loca슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저ons we also loose the context of interac슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저on, the interac슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저on device, and the knowledge on use cases. The HMI leaks into different loca슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저on and we will need to make it flexible accordingly.
3.Augmented Reality: we will see more and more overlays between the real, the analog world and digital data. This may happen with head up display, glasses or projec슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저on technology. Digital informa슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저on is not visible by nature. But with augmented reality we will make the invisible visible and create value out of digital data.
Dr. Rössger men슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저oned Humane HMIs, Liquid HMIs and Augmented Reality as three trends in automo슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저ve HMI.
Q. We are currently at the star슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저ng point of autonomous driving level 3.
What should we pay atten슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저on to in terms of current HMI, sensing, control technology and regula슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저on?
A. Level 3 is the bottleneck of automated driving. If we do not find a way to handle this issue automated driving may be dead. On level 3 we allow the drive to pull out of the control loop. The driver needs to be back "in a short 슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저meframe", which is usually interpreted as 3 to 5 seconds. He or she can read a book, check the mail, watch a movie, play a game, or shop in the Internet. Different studies show, that building a complete situa슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저onal awareness takes 20 to 120 seconds, which is far longer than the 3 to 5 seconds it should take.HMI solu슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저ons shall support the driver in building the situa슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저onal awareness. Technologies like driver surveillance and driver fa슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저gue measurement will support this effort. Regula슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저on may limit level 3 down to level 2, which will solve some parts of the problem, but that is not what we want!
Q. Is the head-up display important in now and future?
A. Head up displays have certain advantages: you can project informa슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저on close to the line of sight. The eye-movements of the driver can be smaller when switching from the road scenery to the displayed informa슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저on. On the other hand agian: I have not yet seen a concept that really convinces me, that has a real advantage compared to tradi슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저onal in-vehicle displays. The story gets different when we can use full wind-screen head up diplay. The augmeneted reality scenarios become possible, we can overlay informa슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저on and add real value to the driving experience.
Q. Tesla had a significant impact on the cockpit of tradi슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저onal automakers. What do you think of Tesla? Someone says Tesla is forcing customers to follow their UX and HMI with Self-driving philosophy(not ADAS)
A.Tesla is kicking the other, the established OEMs. This is a great thing, since the en슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저re automo슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저ve industry became a bit slow and innova슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저on resistant over the years. On the other hand I see Tesla totally overrated. They build cars that are ok, but they are not the solu슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저ons for all problems we have. Tesla over-communicated the abili슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저es of their cars, which lead to mis-use of single func슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저ons. The HMI they use, par슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저cularly the minimized HMI in the Model 3, has a certain charm, but I find it too reduced, the loca슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저on of informa슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저on is sub-op슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저mal and the screen is totally overloaded. Important informa슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저on like speed is not clearly and easy visible. Tesla started some great and exci슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저ng innova슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저on, but clearly lacks maturity.
Q. One of the core products of OEM and large 슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저er 1 these days is the pillar to pillar display. Please tell me what you think about these things. Some슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저mes It seems reasonable to say, "Give the passenger a laptop!" What do you think needs to be supplemented?
A. When I started my career in automo슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저ve HMI development 20 years ago the main problem was: how do I display all the required informa슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저on on a screen? We had 5" or 7" screens in center stacks and needed to priori슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저ze informa슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저on and condense it to show the relevant things. With the huge displays we see in some cars, today we have the opposite problem: I have so much space, what shall I show on the screen real estate? I have not yet seen a real good, covincing HMI concept for these pillar to pillar displays. Let me know when you have one!
Dr. Rössger said the minimized HMI of Model 3 has a specific charm but is not mature, and has not yet seen a convincing HMI concept on the pillar to pillar display.
Q. Many small and med-sized auto parts makers are entering the HMI field as they seek to switch to E/E parts makers. They are eager to develop a new touch interface, saying that no matter how advanced voice technology and gestures are, touch technology will not disappear from the car. What advice would you give for their successful business and digital transforma슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저on?
A. I can support these ac슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저vi슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저es. We will have hap슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저c components on most dashboards for the next 20 to 25 years. Using dedicated devices (mechanical or electronic) will make car-driver interac슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저ons easier. A limited number of well-selected func슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저ons shall remain on dedicated devices. Make these devices flexible, allow personaliza슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저on, and find an adaptable hap슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저c experience.
Q. What is the current and future car killer app related to HMI? What is the sexy?
A.We have sexy technology when we meet the abili슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저es, wishes and dreams of users. Technology needs to work smoothly under any circumstance. The one killer app for any HMI or mee슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저ng and bea슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저ng the expecta슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저ons of users. Technology can be wonderful, let's make it fun to use. Never give up on this way. It's possible!
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